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Dental Sedation for Children

Dental Sedation for Children

Posted by One Health Dental on Jan 4 2022, 09:14 AM

Dental Sedation for Children

Children are usually afraid of visiting a dentist. But when they go through severe dental pain, they will require dental treatment, no matter their age. During the treatment, they should be completely still even when they find the noise of the drill scary. So, dentists prefer a pain-free treatment.

Types of Sedation for Children

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas is perhaps the safest sedative as it is naturally mild. Children will be made to inhale this with a little oxygen. This won’t make them sleep, rather they will feel more relaxed and lightheaded. It will maintain their natural reflexes and its effect will only last for a few minutes after it’s done.

Mild Sedation

It is commonly used in the case of older children and adults. It is a drug-induced state in which the child will be calm and awake. Therefore, they could respond normally to the dentist’s verbal commands.

Moderate Sedation

In this drug-induced state, children are sleepier yet able to do what they are asked to. It’s better for older children and young adults than for young children. They won’t even remember anything and will be able to breathe naturally. It does not affect their cardiovascular function.

Deep Sedation

This medication will make your child sleep through the procedure. Your child can still move and make noise. But their natural breathing is impaired. Also, it does not affect their cardiovascular function. There should be at least one professional independent observer who will handle the heart rate and oxygen saturation of your child. They will decide when your child can leave.

General Anesthesia

It is a drug-induced method that helps your child to be completely asleep and pain-free. An anesthesia professional will monitor the dentist or oral surgeon who does the treatment. In this case, the ventilatory function and cardiovascular function are impaired.

Is It Safe for Your Children?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have recently revised their guidelines for sedation treatment for children. There should be at least 2 experts in the room. One is the dentist or oral surgeon performing the procedure; while the other one is an independent observer who is a physician anesthesiologist, a certified nurse anesthetist, a second oral surgeon, or a dentist anesthesiologist.

One Health Dental offers enhanced techniques and the best dental treatment for your children. For more details, call us at (214) 275-4808 or visit us at 4801 S Buckner Blvd Suite 800, Dallas, TX 75227.

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