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When Should My Child First See the Dentist?

When Should My Child First See the Dentist?

Posted by One Health Dental on Dec 15 2021, 10:58 AM

When Should My Child First See the Dentist?

It is never too early to bring your child to the dentist. The American Dental Association recommends that children see a dentist within six months of their first tooth eruption or their first birthday. Early visits can help establish good habits and prevent cavities.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children see a dentist every six months. The AAPD also states that these regular visits should include:

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby bottle tooth decay, also known as early childhood caries, is caused by frequent or prolonged exposure to sugary beverages such as milk, formula, fruit juice and soda.

It’s common for toddlers who consume a bottle or sippy cup of milk, juice, formula or soda to fall asleep. This behavior can also be carried over to the bed, where the child can fall asleep while drinking. This leaves the child’s teeth exposed to prolonged sugar exposure.

If left untreated, baby bottle tooth decay can cause tooth pain, infections and even tooth loss. Regular dental appointments are the best way to ensure your child’s oral health in tip-top shape.

Tooth Decay

1. According to the American Dental Association, tooth decay is a “common, transmissible, infectious disease.” It is one of the top ten reasons children miss school. Your child’s first dental appointment should take place before they turn one year old or when they have their first tooth. Early dental visits to dentist in Dallas help your child experience fewer cavities and dental pain throughout their lives.

Tooth Eruption

Tooth eruption is the process in which the baby teeth push through the gums. This process begins around six months and completes around age 3.5.

However, the eruption process can be interrupted. If baby teeth are lost before the adult teeth are ready to replace them, space loss may occur. Space loss can change the way adult teeth erupt, creating misalignment.

That’s why it’s so important to bring your child to the Dallas dentist early.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is normal behavior for infants and young children. Most children stop this habit on their own by age 3 or 4, but it can be very persistent for some. Your child may benefit from having a thumb guard or appliance fitted by their pediatric dentist. The appliance will help your child break the habit because it will be uncomfortable to put their thumb in the mouth. Thumb guards and appliances are also useful for children who bite their nails, chew on pencils or ice, and grind their teeth.

Thumb sucking and other oral habits such as grinding can damage teeth. If your child is still sucking their thumb or fingers past age 5, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

One Health Dental is equipped with the best dentists and modern technologies that enable the best treatment options for the patients. To book a consultation with the dentist in Dallas, TX, call us at (214) 275-4808.

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